BLUE ANGELS GET NEW FLIERS EXHIBITITION TEAM PUT ON 74TH 'SHOW' Published in the June 1948 issue of Naval Aviation News |
NAS Jacksonville -- The Navy's flight team, the Blue Angels, racked up their 74th appearance before the public in 20 months when they flew three exhibitions at the Miami Air Maneuvers January 9-11, 1948. It was the farewell performance of Lt. Cdr. R. A. Clark and Lt. (jg) W. C. May, who have been on the team since the 48th and 30th performances respectively. To replace these members departing for sea duty are Lt. (jg) H. C. McKnight and Lt. (jg) H. R. Heagerty. They will learn the routine from experienced members who are holdovers - Lt. Cdr. R. E. "Dusty Rhodes, Lt. C. A. Knight and Lt. R. H. Thelen. Rhodes is leader of the team, who also serve as instructors in the Advanced Instructors Training Unit. To date the Blue Angels have flown a distance equal to twice around the globe, performing before no fewer than 1,500,000 spectators in all parts of the country. |