Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum
Pueblo Memorial Airport, Colorado.
F11A BuNo 141853

These top 6 photos are taken by and from the collection of Tom Bispo. This photo is 141824 & 141853 on a training flight. 141853 has an in-fight thrust reverser installed.

The two in-flight photos are of BuNo. 141853 when the aircraft were refurbished for use in evaluating the potential advantages of an in-flight reverser on tactical aircraft. These photos are from a book, Naval Fighter Number 40 by Corky Meyer and Steve Ginter (used by permission).

 Photos are taken and copyrighted by Len Mozey.

141853 was retired with the rest of the "Blue Angels" Tigers in 1969 and sent to MASDC (now AMARC) at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona for storage. Together with another ex-"Blue Angels" aircraft, 141824, this aircraft was refurbished by Grumman in 1973 to evaluate a system of inflight thrust control developed by Rohr Industries. '853 was used as the actual testbed, while '824 remained in standard configuration as a chase aircraft. After trials at Calverton and Patuxent River in 1974-75, both aircraft returned to MASDC, becoming the last Tigers to fly. 141853 has been preserved at the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum.

 Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum
Pueblo Memorial Airport, Colorado.
BuNo 141853
