Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum Pueblo Memorial Airport, Colorado. F11A BuNo 141853 |
These top 6 photos are taken by and from the collection of Tom Bispo. This photo is 141824 & 141853 on a training flight. 141853 has an in-fight thrust reverser installed. |
The two in-flight photos are of BuNo. 141853 when the aircraft were refurbished for use in evaluating the potential advantages of an in-flight reverser on tactical aircraft. These photos are from a book, Naval Fighter Number 40 by Corky Meyer and Steve Ginter (used by permission). |
Photos are taken and copyrighted by Len Mozey. |
141853 was retired with the rest of the "Blue Angels" Tigers in 1969 and sent to MASDC (now AMARC) at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona for storage. Together with another ex-"Blue Angels" aircraft, 141824, this aircraft was refurbished by Grumman in 1973 to evaluate a system of inflight thrust control developed by Rohr Industries. '853 was used as the actual testbed, while '824 remained in standard configuration as a chase aircraft. After trials at Calverton and Patuxent River in 1974-75, both aircraft returned to MASDC, becoming the last Tigers to fly. 141853 has been preserved at the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum. --HARRY S. GANN |
Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum Pueblo Memorial Airport, Colorado. BuNo 141853 |